FAQ 常有問題


Can I get sample from you ?
Yes, we can supply samples normally free of charge shipped on courier collect basis. Please let us know your company contact information including your company name, your name, your physical address and contact phone number for our ease of action.

What are your payment terms ?
Payment is normally by inter-bank telegraphic transfer. We accept western Union as well. For big order, we accept 30% deposit and balance 70% 10 Days before shipment.

Normally how long is your production lead time?
Our production lead time is normally 30-35 days depend on the order sizes and the needs of logo printing. For special speedy services, please mention prior and we will do our best to match up with your requirement.

Do you custom-made project? What information you will need from us ?
Custom projects are welcome! We have our own in-house highly experience design and engineering team. Please send us your design for our study and quotation. If NDA is needed, please send it for us for study and signature.

What is your normal shipment terms ?
1. Packing is in bulk but we can pack according to your specification
2. Port of Discharge(shipment) is Shenzhen Port or Port of Hong Kong.
3. Please e-mail to us for detail product information, quotation and packaging details !
4. We can quote Ex-factory price, FOB-Shenzhen or CNF-Your port provided we have your order details for cost checking purpose.

Who should I contact to discuss my project ?
You can contact Jian by e-mail on "sales@giftxianda.cn" for details or call his mobile on 86 147 143 20787, or 136 708 40368. His skype ID is e2ekasap.


是的,我们可以提供免费样品,通常以快递到付形式發出。请电郵   貴公司的联系信息,包括公司名称,你的名字,你的快递地址,及你的手提电話方便联系。


我们的生产前置时间是30-35天,通常取决于订单多少和 LOGO 印刷的需求。对于特殊的快速服务,请事先注明,我们会尽最大努力满足了您的需求。

你们做 專項設計项目嗎?你们需要什么样的信息?
我司有專门同事做專項設計项目!我们有自己的设计和工程团队。请电郵您的设计和規格給我。如果需要 "保密協訍 " ,也请一併电郵给我好了。

1.标准包装是散装,每隻入胶袋. 但我们可以根据您的规格包装
3.请 电郵你須要的产品资料,以便回你报价和包装细节!

您可以通过电邮: ft9sales@giftxianda.cn , QQ: 2994844127 联系或致电 (0769)76987753652 苏小姐 Linda